Hola a todos!! Hi everyone!!
Aquí me vengo con una entradita express antes de que se termine este 2016... Madre míaaa!!! Que ya se acaba el año, no termino de creerlo!! Está clarísimo que el tiempo vuela!!
(It´s Noe here once again to show you a new project before the end of the year ... Yes! Could you believe that this 2016 is running out already! ??? Time flyes!!).
Y hoy vengo con una tarjeta muy simple y a la vez muy divertida... ideal para hacer con niños...
(Well, today I come with a very simple card but at the same time very funny !! It´s ideal to make it accompanied by children !!).
(It´s Noe here once again to show you a new project before the end of the year ... Yes! Could you believe that this 2016 is running out already! ??? Time flyes!!).
Y hoy vengo con una tarjeta muy simple y a la vez muy divertida... ideal para hacer con niños...
(Well, today I come with a very simple card but at the same time very funny !! It´s ideal to make it accompanied by children !!).
Es una Tarjeta y a la vez un juego... Es un 3 en Raya... Mira!!
(It´s a card and at the same time it is a game ... It´s a Tic Tac Toe Card (in Spain we call this game "3 in line")... Look:)
(It´s a card and at the same time it is a game ... It´s a Tic Tac Toe Card (in Spain we call this game "3 in line")... Look:)
Para hacer las fichas de mi juego he utilizado el troquel con forma de circulito cosido del set "Shaker Tag" y en ellos he ido estampado los simpáticos animalitos... He elegido el zorrito del set "Camping Critters" y el elefantito del set "Zoo Critters".
En esta ocasión he querido usar papel vegetal en vez de acetato, creo que queda una tarjeta un poco más elegante.
Finalmente he ido estampando en el borde de mi marco negro el sentimiento "Congrats" del set de sellos "Say It Big".
(I have made my game pieces using the circle of "Shaker Tag" dies and on them I have stamped my animals ... I have used two different set of stamps: "Camping Critters" and "Zoo Critters".
And at this time I wanted to use vellum paper instead of acetate to make my Shaker card ... I think it gives it a more distinguished touch.
I have finally stamped the "Congrats" sentiment for the "Say It Big" Stamp set around my black frame).
Como has podido ver, una tarjeta muuuy fácil de hacer!!
Aprovecho la oportunidad para desearos a todos un muy Feliz 2017!!
As you can see, make this card it´s easy to do !!
I take the opportunity to wish you all a Happy 2017 !!!
I take the opportunity to wish you all a Happy 2017 !!!